What's the "Skin"ny?

Let's Talk Skin
Let's start with an interesting fact, your skin is the largest organ on your body. You only get one, so it's very important that you take care of your skin.
While the skin comes in different variations starting with dry, oily, combination and beyond, it's very important that you know what products work for you and keep your skin up to par. No one wants to experience damaged, rough, dry , alligator cracked skin. It sounds like it hurts, Queen.
Lets talk products, why we recommend and what they do for your skin:
Your first step, clearing away impurities, dirt, excess oil and anything that clogs pores. PLEASE BE GENTLE, too much or too often can breakdown your skins's protective barrier.
Toner helps to refresh the skin, remove any residual debris and balance your skins pH. Using a toner also helps to tighten the skin so that your skin stays toned and firmed
A great serum can both treat and protect your skin. It helps reverse skin damage that we experience (without knowing) from the sun and pollution.
Helps to remove bags and dark circles underneath the eyes, be careful when applying, avoid tugging on delicate skin and causing damage
MOST IMPORTANT! Keeps your skin hydrated and silky soft to the touch. Moisturizer can help keep your skin hydrated and refreshed. As we age, the oil glands that keep skin healthy begin to lose their power, making it to where they create fewer oils. Moisturizing daily causes the glands to not have to work as hard to keep your skin healthy throughout your life.
"The sun is the number one reason people's skin age prematurely". It's so important that we are applying sunscreen. Without it, your skin care routine is not as effective when you're trying to protect your skin.
There you have it Queens, the most important products to have for your day to day skin care routine. The best part, is that you can find all of this products on our website! We have them readily available, but hurry they are going fast. Many Queens are preparing to glow this Spring and Summer, don't miss out!
You can find these products under our Belle's Skin Collection (for our brown skinned Queens), our Caramel Collection (for our chocolatier Queens) or our Diamond Collection (for our fair-skinned Queens).