What's The Charge?
Are You Ready? Lets Go....
We understand how nerve-wrecking and completely embarrassing it is to deal with discharge, but honestly it's pretty normal. Don't let anyone tell you different. The only time discharge is a concern, is when it is accompanied with pain, bad smells or any color of the rainbow. Still need help learning the different colors? Keep reading....
So first lets get into the normal discharge. The vagina creates a normal discharge (which is how it expels fluids and cells) which is made up of bacteria and exfoliated vaginal skin cells. This keeps the vagina clean and helps prevent infection. So what does it look like? Normal discharge is usually thin, clear to milky white. The amount of discharge can very from none to a large amount but it all varies on the Queen in question.
****If you notice a stringy and stretchy consistency, when you're normally a thin and clear - DON'T PANIC. This means you're ovulating and it time to make a baby, or maybe a reminder so you know not to have sex (or use protection of course)
So what does it mean if there is an unusual color? Well, it all depends on the color. However, if it's not clear to milky white then that means there's a problem and you should pay attention. Here are some colors to look for:
BROWN/BLOODY: This is the ending of your menstrual cycle, just your bodies way of communicating that she's expelling. Now if you aren't menstruating, then this can be a sign of infection and you should follow up with your doctor immediately.
WHITE & CLUMPY: If it's looking very similar to cottage cheese, this is a sign of a yeast infection. These infections are caused by something that’s already in your body—a fungal body (yeast) called candida. Yeast is a type of fungus and candida is a specific type of yeast. When this yeast is balanced with the ecosystem of your body, there are no problems. But when that balance is disrupted (douching, pH imbalance, scented tampons/pads, unprotected sex) , the yeast rapidly grows and you can get a yeast infection.
- An itchy sensation in the vagina and vulva.
- A thick, white vaginal discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese.
- Redness and swelling of the vagina and vulva.
- Small cuts or tiny cracks in the skin of the vulva because of friable skin in the area.
- A burning feeling when you urinate
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GRAY/YELLOW/GREEN: The most common, but uncomfortable yellowish-greenish discharge will be Bacterial Vaginosis. Our yoni's are delicate and the smallest thing can get her out of wack. Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a condition that happens when there is too much of certain bacteria in the vagina. This changes the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina usually seen in women 15-44.
- A thin yellow, green or gray vaginal discharge;
- Pain, itching, or burning in the vagina;
- A strong fish-like odor, especially after sex;
- Burning when peeing; and
- Itching around the outside of the vagina.
Our Fresh Flora or Yoni Detox Pearls will help!
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